And the mullet lives on! Who doesn't love a good mullet joke? The mullet is the one of the most laughable looks. They're fun and goofy. Spice up the party with a sweet mullet look of your own.
The best way to descibe this hairstyle is "all business in the front and party in the back". Over the decades there has been variations of the do- extra long mullet, 2 tone mullet, curly mullet, permed mullet, and the list goes on.
The mullet hairstyle started to gain popularity in the 60's. Tom Jones and David Cassidy can be seen with the hair do. Rockstars David Bowie and Paul McCartney are known for that look in the 70's. In the 80's, the mullet exloded. There are several noted actors, pop, athletes, and country stars that sported this style- Billy Ray, Andre Agassi, Richard Lewis, Bono, Brad Pitt, Bud Bundy, Chuck Norris, Carol Brady, Joe Dirt, Mel Gibson, Michael Bolton, Patrick Swayze, Mario Lopez (Slater), John Stamos ( Uncle Jessie), and the list goes on.